“A Moon Study reminded me to flow through the full cycle, the light and the dark phases, each month, with more understanding and acceptance. I continue to track the cycles and phases even after the course has ended and with this knowledge, I feel more strength in my feminine power.”
Sacred Circles w/ Connie Viglietti
Descend and Attune: Honoring our Cycles
As the nights get longer and colder, just before the winter descends, our own energy begins to mirror Mama Gaia. It’s time to gather and prepare for the long winter’s night that awaits. With the Winter Solstice in sight, now is the time to take inventory of our learnings, find gratitude for all we have, and begin our intimate connection with ourselves during this introspective time of year.
This 4-week sacred circle gives us time together- a rare opportunity to slow down, tune into our bodies and our desires, and listen. Gathering to close this year, this season with the same group of women brings us closer together and strengthens our bonds. We trust and we heal. We reclaim our divine feminine nature.
Together we will make time to share what is coming up for us as individuals and set intentions together. We’ll look closely at what this time of year is teaching us while experiencing embodiment practices such as movement, meditation, and journaling, to help us integrate as we move through the darkest light of the year… together.
Wednesdays, Nov 29, Dec 6, 13, and 20th from 12:30-2 pm
This circle seats 20
Tuition: $208
“The Moon Study also helped me to have a deeper understanding of the way I have been feeling recently and how that may relate to my own menstrual cycle and the phases of the moon. Seeing how all of these things are related and interconnected was an eye-opening experience and helped me to feel more grounded and in touch with myself both emotionally and physically.”